Physical and Social Impacts of Crooked Teeth

According to dentistry research, approximately a third of the American population is unhappy with their smile. Many people specifically fault their crooked teeth for this unhappiness. They feel embarrassed to smile and prefer to hide their imperfect teeth, causing their self-esteem to take a hit. But did you know that crooked teeth don’t just come with social issues, but health issues as well? This article explores some of these adverse physical and social issues, explaining how crooked teeth may come with more problems than you thought.

It Impacts Day-to-Day Activities

The misalignment of teeth and gums can make chewing and talking difficult. It causes soreness and even pain that affects quality of life. At advanced stages, jaw misalignment can trigger Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD).

If you have jaw misalignments, a dentistry professional can recommend you to a specialist. Addressing misalignments will reduce the discomfort you experience when talking or chewing.

It Hinders Good Oral Hygiene

Because crooked teeth make chewing difficult, they can cause a problem with digestion. Food is not broken down sufficiently, and it may lodge in between the teeth. The debris can widen gaps between the teeth and encourage further misalignments.

Crooked teeth also make it harder to observe oral hygiene due to the awkward positioning of the teeth. As such, misalignments predispose the dentistry patient to gum disease. If you do not see a local dentist on time, you may develop periodontitis, more severe teeth, and gum conditions.

It Can Effect Your Jaw

Crooked teeth can have an impact on the jaw and facial muscles. As the teeth move out of their position, they change the appearance of your facial structure. The jaw may resorb, which will force it to recede backward.

The changes in your facial muscles and jawbone will make you look older. You may become more anxious when talking to peers, friends, and work colleagues.

It Hurts Self-Esteem

According to dentistry professionals, adolescents and teens are more likely to have problems with self-esteem. The teasing from peers can have adverse effects on their social life. They may avoid talking and interacting with friends.

Unhealthy teeth can also cause distress that can develop into depression. Fortunately, most oral health conditions can be treated, especially when patients are in their teens or early adulthood. A family dentist can recommend braces if a teen’s teeth and gums have misalignments. Younger patients are more responsive to treatment because their muscles and gums are still supple.


Crooked teeth and tooth misalignments have adverse effects on your overall health. The best way to prevent oral health issues is to keep a dentistry appointment. a dental can advise you on the different aspects of keeping your teeth healthy if you suffer from crooked teeth.

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