Author: Dentist

5 Things Pediatric Dentists Wish that All Parents Knew


Tooth decay is a very serious problem. It starts when people are kids and can continue to get worse and worse until a dentist has to refer their patient for false teeth. There are various option; dentures, bridges, veneers, etc. Even so, it is so much better just to be able to keep your original teeth. If you have children then you should begin to teach them about oral hygiene as soon as possible in order to avoid tooth decay as well as other problems. Here are a few things that every pediatric dentist wish their patients’ parents knew.

You should start when they are babies.
You can even start before they have teeth. Wiping the milk from their gums will help to keep their gums healthy. While this is not a huge deal, it’s still helpful. It will also put you in the habit of taking care of your child’s mouth before he or she is able to do it. Another thing that you can start when you have a baby is taking care of your own teeth. If your kid does not see you brushing and flossing your own teeth and going to the dentist, they will wonder why on earth they have to. They won’t see the importance of it.

You can make oral care a fun game.
Make it a competition or use apps on your phone that will help the child to have a good time while they are brushing and flossing their teeth. Making oral hygiene something to look forward to, not to dread. It might be a hassle trying to get them to brush and floss properly but if you make it fun, then it can actually be a bonding experience for the both of you. They’ll remember how you taught them and will pass it on to their children, making it sort of a tradition that you start with them so long ago.

Your kids need to see a childrens dentist twice a year.
Starting at your child’s first birthday, you need to take them to the dentist at least two times a year. Every six months your entire family should be seeing a dentist in fact. This bi-annual thing should never stop. The easiest way to follow that schedule is to book your next appointment when you are there for your first one and then they will call you a week before your appointment six months later to confirm. Don’t cancel.

They need to be taught to brush and floss.
This is not something that comes naturally. Just as they don’t know how to put on their own clothes and properly wash themselves, children don’t know how to brush and floss. Typically, kids just want to suck on the toothbrush and eat the toothpaste. This is not enough. You have to teach them what to do so that they take care of their teeth properly as they get older.

Stop with the sugary treats.
Your diet plays such a huge part in the health of your teeth. If you are in the habit of giving your kids sugary foods like candy, desserts and soda then you should keep that to a minimum. Not only will that mess up their teeth but it will cause them to lose the taste for healthy foods by destroying their taste buds. They will begin to crave sugary foods which will destroy their teeth and cause them to struggle with maintaining a healthy weight for the rest of their lives.

If every parents taught their children the above five suggestions, tooth decay problems would take a major dip. There would be a lot less people walking around with fake teeth in a few years. Gum disease, tooth decay, tooth loss, bad breath, etc are all things that we have given ourselves, barring a medical condition. If you can do something to spare your children from having to go through something like this then why not? You’ll save them not only from fake teeth and the problems that go with it but also wasted money getting their mouth fixed, embarrassment from having fake teeth so early and wasted time when they are getting it done.

Does Your Smile Endear You to the Opposite Sex?


Do you like going to the dentist? Few people do, even though about 32% of us are worried about how our teeth look. Regular trips to your family dentist can help keep teeth healthy, but healthy is not the end of the story. We care about the appearance as well. The stereotypical “Hollywood Smile” is achievable naturally for the very few who were genetically blessed. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry helps even the playing field.

General dentistry is concerned with the health of our mouths. The routine is fairly simple: twice a year cleanings, with fillings, crowns, or other treatment as needed. If you are doing everything prescribed, meaning brushing at least twice a day, flossing daily, and rinsing with mouthwash, and are still having problems, it is okay. There are some estimates that about 47% of adults over 30 actually struggle with periodontal disease. So you have company in your struggles.

But what if you have a healthy mouth and are still unsatisfied with your smile? Well, your family dentist will likely steer you to cosmetic dental procedures. For imperfectly shaped teeth, the fix may be as simple as carefully sanding down or reshaping what is already there. If the problem is one of size, particularly a lack of, it will be necessary to look into veneers.

Veneers are actually quite popular for obtaining a more uniform grin. The fix a variety of problems: chipped teeth, discoloration, gaps, and misaligned teeth. They can be expensive though at between $925 and $1000 a pop. However, on the bright side veneers do last about 10 years, or more as your family dentist will tell you. That comes out to about $100 each year, if it lasts on the shorter side. So it becomes a question of how much a new smile means to you.

A perfect smile may not make your life better. It does make you more attractive to the opposite and same sex though, at least for 96% of the population. A nice smile goes a long way in life. How much do you value yours? Whether the problem is discoloration, misalignment, or gaps, these are problems that are actually very easy to fix. Invest in yourself by caring for the most human aspect of your appearance: a happy smile.

Finding the Best 24 Hour Dentist

Best dentist in kirkland

Is there such a thing as a 24 hour dentist? That’s a question that many people ask a dentist when they go in for an emergency tooth surgery. It’s difficult dealing with excruciating pain and, facts have it, that pain in your teeth is one of the highest sources of pain you’ll ever feel in your life. So this makes it even more important to get a 24 hour dentist for yourself. Here are some of the best ways you can look into a dentist that offers 24-hour care.

See if There are Any 24-Hour Dentists In Your Area

The first thing you want to look into when you’re looking for 24-hour dental care is if there is a dentist office in your area that even offers the service. This is important because not all areas will have accessible 24-hour care services like this. However, if you need to save this dentist for emergency services only, then you could always look a few miles outside of your town.

Some people believe that this is the best way to go about looking for a 24-hour dental service. This is the dentist that you go to only if you need emergency services and your dentist can’t schedule you in.

See if You Have Coverage Through Your Insurance

You want to look into 24-hour cosmetic dentistry services that are covered by your insurance. This is important if the price is important to you — which it is for just about most people. This will help with significantly reducing the cost of your procedures, especially if you are having a root canal or crowning done on your tooth. These are some of the costlier procedures that can cost well over $1,000 depending on how severe the tooth problem is for you.

Every dentist will allow for certain health insurance providers, so knowing which ones are in your “network” will help you make a choice without getting attached to any of the dentists you can’t have first. You can complete bypass this and look only into the offices covered inside your insurance network.

Get a Loan if Needed

If you decide it is time to use that 24-hour service, you want to make sure you’re covered. The moment you feel yourself having tooth pain, try to get a credit loan with a company first before moving forward. This is especially true in cosmetic dentistry because certain procedures aren’t covered by most insurance providers, leaving you with a huge bill to pay. With a loan for dental care services, it won’t matter which dentist you go to outside of one that has a good reputation.

If your dentist is taking too long to schedule you and you were approved for a loan, you should go with the 24 hour dentist that is guaranteed to provide you with expedited services. Most of them have a much shorter wait list because it isn?t contingent on when the dentists are in the office. These places usually are run by dental hygienists with the occasional dentist or two running amok.

The hygienists take care of a majority of your dental work while the dentists do any necessary surgery on your teeth to restore them back to health. This gives it a much quicker system than a traditional dentist.

You Can Find a 24 Hour Dentist You Trust

It may take a little research, but there are plenty of dentists out there that currently provide 24 hour dentistry services. They understand how important it is for you to have perfect teeth and be pain-free. Most of these companies work hard to ensure that your needs are met and give you the best services possible. If you need an alternative to your current dentist, this is going to be a great option for you to invest in possibly.

Research reviews online about each dentist to get a better perspective on them if you need. Don’t be shy to ask questions just to double check on each office. You deserve to be presented with all the facts about your 24 hour dentist office.

3 Ways Your Children Can Benefit From Consistent Dental Care

Pediatric dentist apison

Did you know that tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease? According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, tooth decay ranks higher than asthma, allergies, obesity and diabetes in children. When compared to these other popular childhood diseases, it?s been reported that tooth decay is five times more likely to develop than asthma, four times more likely than early-childhood obesity and 20 times more likely than diabetes. What?s the solution? Consistent dental care. Read on to discover the importance of taking your children to the pediatric dentist and how to help your kids develop good dental practices.

You would think that getting consistent dental care for your children would be a no-brainer, right? Well, not so much. In fact, one out of every four kids have never even set foot in a pediatric dental practice before they enter Kindergarten. This results in students missing out on more than 51 million school hours each year because of dental-related illnesses, according to the Centers for Health and Health Care in Schools.

Even though a third of U.S. schools are working to combat the issue by referring students to quality dental care, there?s still a variety of ways parents can take the initiative to improve their child?s dental health. Here are the top benefits of consistent dental care and how having the right pediatric dentist will help to form good habits for your child:

  • Early Detection
    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly one out of every five children in America live with untreated cavities. This averages out to about 19.5% for ages 2-5 and 22.9% for ages 6-19, meaning that 78% of people will have a cavity by the age of 17! All of this can easily be avoided by looking into consistent dental care for your children and it?s never too early to start. Take your children to a state-of-the-art pediatric dental care facility and discover how early detection can go a long way toward preventing dental issues from getting out of hand.
  • Routine Cleanings
    Brushing your teeth can only go so far. To ensure teeth remain healthy and strong, pediatric dentists highly recommend routine visits every six months for a thorough cleaning. Consistent dental care will not only benefit your children?s dental health, but it will also teach them helpful techniques for at-home brushing. Since a pediatric dentist specializes in working with children, they know the best way to develop good habits and will provide you with tips on how to help your kids practice good dental hygiene at home.
  • Monitor Treatments
    If your child requires braces or additional dental care, it?s important to maintain consistent dental care with a pediatric dentist. You may have questions that need to be answered at a moment?s notice or want a recommendation on follow-up dental care. Whatever your child?s dental health requires, sticking with a pediatric dentist throughout the entire process will ensure a successful end result and a beautiful smile on your child?s face.

How have your children benefitted from consistent dental care? Share in the comments below.

Show Off Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental implants

Most people go to a family dentist once or twice a year for a checkup and that’s it. Or they might go when they have a problem, such as a cavity that needs to be filled or to get a crown on a damaged tooth. The best family dentists will offer all of these services and more. However, as the trend toward more and more people seeking cosmetic dentistry procedures continues to increase, the best family dentists may be offering more and more of those services or changing their practice altogether to specialize in the lucrative field.

There are a number of cosmetic dental procedures, ranging from very simple and benign things such as teeth whitening to more expensive and invasive procedures such as tooth implants. However, the average person who chooses cosmetic dentistry goes for more expensive procedures, spending $5,000 to $6,000 on procedures meant to improve their smile.

One of the simplest and cheapest cosmetic dentistry procedures is teeth whitening. This process is minimally invasive, which is why it is very popular. Nearly 100 percent of people believe a good smile is an important asset that can help you impress people, including potential employers. That’s probably why Americans spend about $1.4 billion a year on tooth whitening products and procedures. That covers everything from over-the-counter tooth whitening products sold in supermarkets and drugstores to procedures done in the dentist’s office.

For those with more serious dental issues, there are a wide variety of other cosmetic dental procedures. Crowns and veneers can cover up unsightly and damaged teeth to make them look as good as new. The use of veneers, which usually are made of porcelain, has increased 250% over the past five years. Good veneers that are installed properly typically last for five to 10 years.

For those with missing teeth, especially in the front of the mouth where they can be seen, there are dental implants. These are false teeth that are anchored to the gums. This is an invasive procedure that can sometimes cause the need for multiple visits to the dentist, but the results are often worth it. Research has shown that there is a 98% success rate with dental implants. Dental implants, if successful, usually are permanent and don’t have to be replaced.

With so many ways to improve their smile, it’s a wonder more people don’t take advantage of cosmetic dentistry procedures.

3 Scientific Facts About Smiles

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restorative dentistryGrowing up, a lot of emphasis is placed on smiles. We are constantly told to smile for the camera, for older relatives, in thanks for gifts or services, and simply to be perceived as nice and approachable. Sometimes, it might seem like all this smiling is for naught — but the science is in, and it seems like smiling might actually do some serious good.

Check out these facts on the science of smiling and how it can really impact your life. By the time you’re done, you may even be ready to book an appointment at your local cosmetic dentistry clinic for some restorative dentistry:

A Forced Smile Can Lead to An Actual Good Mood
Believe it or not, but smiling releases endorphins, so if you force yourself to smile for a while, chances are that your bad mood might actually start to lift. And these endorphins catalyze a domino effect of positive results: your immune system gets a boost since your body begins to relax. Those endorphins also act as a stress reliever, leaving you generally more relaxed. Just a few of the “side effects” of smiling.

Smiling Will Get You Promoted
Well, you’ll have to put in some work, too.

That being said, about 74% of adults feel that an unattractive smile could hurt their career success, and they may be right. Smiling frequently makes a person seem more confident, attractive, approachable, and adaptable, so they are simply more likely to stand out in the eyes of management and get assigned special projects.

There are 19 Different Types of Smiles
A UC-San Francisco researcher recently analyzed the science of smiling and broke down our facial expressions into 19 distinct types of smiling. The researcher found that there are two main types of smiles into which the 19 kinds fall: the polite smile, which engages fewer muscles overall, and the sincere smile, which engages the entire face. Basically, there is a language of smiles, and people can read how much you mean it. So, if you need to fake it, use your whole face.

Because human beings are social creatures, our brains and eyes are specifically adapted to recognize and remember body language, especially when it comes to faces. That means nothing stands out quite like a beaming, sincere smile.

Smiling is a lot more than turning up the corners of your mouth. They are socially and emotionally important, and the better you feel about your smile, the better and more confident you will feel about yourself. Luckily, there are many choices available to you to improve your teeth and your smile, from porcelain veneers to restorative dentistry. Explore the options and don’t forget to say cheese!

5 Tips tp Keep Your Teeth Looking Great In Between Professional Whitening Sessions

Need a dentist

Nearly all American adults think that having good looking teeth is important to their social life. Approximately 99.7% of us say that, according to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). We spend about $1.4 billion on products to whiten our teeth every year. Most people who go to a dentist for tooth whitening see a result, Nearly 82.% say they notice a difference. There are things you can do to keep your teeth white in between your visits with the cosmetic dentistry experts.

1. Some foods and beverages stain your teeth, avoid them.

Everyone has heard the phrase, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” That is very apropos here. If you do not stain your teeth, they will stay looking white longer. Maintaining the look you teeth have after that cosmetic dentist has worked on their whiteness can be as simple as not eating or drinking things that stain your teeth.

How do you know what to avoid? General dental care experts say that if a substance can stain your clothing, it can also stain your teeth. Of course, you probably know to avoid coffee, red wine, any dark juices or sodas and tea. In fact, beets and blueberries and any dark fruit like that should also be on the no-no list. Now, it is unrealistic for many people to give up certain things, like coffee. You can do a few things to mitigate the damage such as brushing and rinsing your teeth after drinking it.

Dentin is the substance just under our enamel. As we age, the enamel wears away, showing more and more of the more yellow dentin. Watching what you eat and drink in between whitening sessions or taking the right precautions after eating and drinking will make a difference in your your teeth look.

2. See your dentist every six months as recommended.

Most Americans really do care about how their teeth look and this is one reason that cosmetic dentistry is so popular. This does not mean we all go to the dentist every six months as we are told we should. If you need a dentist, you should find one and get your dental cleanings done on a regular basis. This is another way to keep your pearly whites looking pearly white in between the sessions with the cosmetic dentist.

3. Do not smoke.

There are many, many reasons to quit smoking and keeping your teeth white in between visits to the cosmetic dentistry expert is not the number one reason but it is a very good reason. Few things make your teeth look terrible like smoking. This habit does more than make your teeth yellow, it can turn them brown.

The smoke from the tobacco can get into the grooves and indentations in your tooth enamel. It will deposit brown gunk on your teeth that is really hard to remove. The longer your smoke, the more brown your teeth will get. It is not even close to being possible to remove these stains by brushing or even having professionals clean your teeth. Once your teeth have been stained from smoking, you need professional whitening from cosmetic dentistry experts to get rid of them. Quit smoking to make your teeth look better.

4. Your prescriptions can make your teeth yellow.

There are a wide variety of medications that can impact the color of your teeth. Some blood pressure drugs, vitamin and mineral supplements (iron), too much fluoride, antihistamines and antipsychotic drugs can work on your teeth to change the color. When you are prescribed new medications, ask your doctor if there will be any impact on your teeth and what you can do to prevent that. Bring your medications with you to the dentist, they may also have ideas about this.

5. Brush and floss every day.

Keeping up with your oral hygiene regimen is a good way to keep your teeth looking and feeling great. Use a good rinse as well.

Everyone wants whiter teeth, they make us look and feel younger. With some effort, we can keep our teeth looking great.

5 Surprising Facts About Smiles Revealed By Science

Sedation dentistry

To the benefit of cosmetic dentists everywhere, Americans are self conscious about their smiles. But study after study reveals that this isn’t just vanity. Humans are social animals and our brains are hardwired to read body language and facial expressions. A simple smile can actually change the chemistry of your own brain, not to mention change the way other people see you.
It’s no wonder that cosmetic dentists report that procedures like Invisalign, dental implants, and teeth straightening are on the rise among Americans of all ages.
So if you’re looking for strange smile facts that will make you want to, well, smile, then we’ve got you covered.
Smile for the Dopamine
In 1989, a psychologist named Robert Zajonc became one of the foremost experts on the science of smiling with a landmark study. He had one group of participants make sounds that activated the same facial muscles involved in smiling. After a number of trials, all the evidence suggested the same thing: the physical act of smiling actually helps lift your mood.
Smiling for Success
In a survey from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, an incredible 99.7% of respondents said that a healthy smile is a social asset. Not only that, but 74% of adults said that an unattractive smile would have a negative impact on their career!
First impressions matter, especially in tense situations like job interviews. If you want to get ahead, start practicing that smile in the mirror.
First Comes Love, Then Comes…
A smile can help much more than your career. Just think of all the great (and terrible) romantic comedies that start with a boy and girl smiling at each other from across a room. If you want to create your own meet-cute with the man or woman of your dreams, then a smile is one of the most powerful weapons in your arsenal.
Even better, another survey from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry found more than 50% of respondents saying that a person’s smile is the one physical feature that stays the most attractive as he or she ages.
Smiling Reduces Stress Levels
In another important smile study, researchers found that even forcing a smile can help reduce stress levels. The study, “Grin and Bear It: The Influence of Manipulated Positive Facial Expression on the Stress Response,” was published in the Psychological Science journal. When participants forced a smile under stress, they actually experienced a decrease in tension levels and reported an elevated mood.

What Does the Health of Your Gums Say About the Health of Your Heart?

Gum disease treatment

Your mother might have been on your case about your oral hygiene growing up because of the theory that gum disease related to heart disease. But then, she might have also told you that Windex heals everything and you should eat your vegetables on behalf of the starving children in China. You might not believe all of your mother’s medical advice.

But really, is gum disease related to heart disease? Periodontists have claimed there are connections between gum disease related to heart disease for decades, while other medical professionals have disputed them for an equal length of time. Much of the evidence of gum disease related to heart disease is circumstantial, making it difficult to build a hard and fast case for it either way. Let’s go over the facts:

The connection between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease.
There are a few facts that are not disputed in the medical world:

  • Heart diseases is a serious problem. It is the leading cause of death among adults under the age of 65.
  • Our oral hygiene seems to be worse than ever before. Our foods are laden with corn syrup and teeth-decaying chemicals, while only 20% of the population flosses as much as they should.

We know that heart disease and gum disease are a growing issue among humans. There is one thing that heart disease and periodontal disease have in common: inflammation. Gingivitis and periodontal disease is literally inflammation of the gums. Meanwhile, inflammation of the arteries is the culprit behind restricted blood flow that leads to heart failure.

The gums are made of highly vascular tissue. When they become inflamed, and particularly when an infection develops as a result of the inflammation, they become a gateway for bacteria and germs of the mouth to enter the blood stream. Some of the bacteria commonly found in gum disease (such as Streptococcus sanguis) is also linked to artery inflammation and heart disease, leading to the deduction that the two diseases go hand in hand.

But is gum disease and heart disease really a cause and effect?

Yes, it does seem that the more bacteria you have from gum disease, the thicker your arteries are, which leads to restricted blood flow, and heart disease. However, a case could be made that people with poor dental health may also have other habits that lead to heart issues. They have both gum disease and heart disease, but it’s related. A few factors that are definitely linked to heart disease include:

  • Obesity. When a person is overweight, it puts greater stress on the blood vessels, which leads to a higher risk of heart attacks. A person who has heart disease because they’re overweight could easily have gum disease as well, but it is unrelated.
  • Tobacco use We all know smoking is bad for everything. Two common health issues caused by smoking are heart disease and oral disease. While a smoker might have both, it might not be the gum disease that caused the heart disease; it’s likely the tobacco that caused both.
  • Diabetes. Diabetes causes infection in all parts of the body, including the mouth and the blood stream. Nearly 10% of the population has diabetes; this is substantial enough to create a seemingly strong link between gum disease and heart disease, which is actually caused by diabetes.

These factors — as well as many others — could be linked to an increase in both gum and heart disease, making it difficult to definitively prove that gum disease is the cause and heart disease is the effect.


A strong case can be made for both sides of the argument over whether or not gum disease causes heart disease. However, we do know that good oral hygiene prevents gum disease, which is only good for our health. If having good dental hygiene habits also contributes to a healthy heart, it’s icing on the cake (that we shouldn’t eat, for the sake of our gums and heart).

A good oral hygiene routine includes:

  • Brushing your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Rinsing your mouth with water after eating.
  • Flossing every day
  • Visiting a dentist for a cleaning and checkup every six months

Following these tips promotes healthy gums and probably (although unproven) a healthy heart!

Are Multiple Tooth Implants for Me?

Many people today struggle with some sort of tooth and gum issue from minor ones like cavities to extreme cases of tooth and gum disease. When things get so bad that teeth have to removed, or they fall out due to the damage sustained, dental implants may be the best option for treatment to help preserve the health of the remaining teeth and to add teeth where ones are missing.

If you have about dental implants and what they can do for you and your overall oral health, the best place to start getting answers is by talking to your dental care team. If you are not currently seeing a dentist on regular basis, scheduling an appointment for an evaluation should be step one.

Once you know implants are right for you, then you can begin to ask questions about how much do dental implants cost, where can you find help financing treatments, and what are the main advantages and disadvantages of dental implants? Armed with this important information, you can make the right choice about whether dental implants are right for you.

When you have a tooth removed, there is a space there that will start to degrade over time if the tooth is not replaced. While many people choose typical methods of tooth replacement that don’t cost as much, a dental implant is usually considered the best way to add teeth. Because it becomes infused with the bone, it keeps the bone strong instead of it breaking down as time goes on. A cosmetic dentist may do implants, or you may need to see an oral surgeon about dental implants.

There are both advantages and disadvantages of dental implants, and it can be helpful to know them in advance before you make up your mind about how to replace your tooth. The major downside is that is expensive to get an implant, and it takes months to go through all the stages of it. The advantages of dental implants include looking just like your natural tooth and the fact that they are permanent and durable. Some people count out getting an implant because of the cost or because they don’t want to wait a long time to get it done. Others like the fact that they will have a new tooth for life.

UPDATED 1/21/21

When you have lost a tooth, you need to visit a dental practice that can replace that tooth with an implant. Getting top teeth implants are usually the first ones that people want to get, as people see your top teeth when you smile. However, getting upper and lower dental implants are both important when a tooth has been lost. It can be difficult to chew when you have teeth missing, and it can be embarrassing when you want to smile at someone. A tooth implant stops all of that embarrassment and difficulty in chewing.

The first step the dentist will want you to do is to gain some information about how they work. Understanding dental implants can help you to take better care of them once you have them. What type of doctor does dental implants? Often it’s an oral surgeon who does the implants. You generally need a referral from a dentist who has said that you are a good candidate for implants. Then, you will meet with the surgeon for a consultation. After that, you can make your appointment to get your tooth implant. It can be a painful procedure, but the pain doesn’t last long and the tooth is forever.

It is known worldwide that Americans care about their teeth. Nearly three-quarters of us feel that a smile that is not attractive can be detrimental to our careers. At the same time, more than 30 million people in the United States have lost all of their teeth on one or both of their jaws. For people who are missing more than one tooth, there are options for multiple tooth replacement. Multiple tooth implants are one option.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are replacement teeth that are the closest thing to natural teeth. An implant is placed in the bone and replaces the root of the missing tooth. When the implant is put in, the bone loss that occurs after a tooth is lost is immediately halted. In recent recent years, the success rate for dental implants has skyrocketed to 98%.

What are multiple tooth implants?

When you are missing several teeth, you go through a similar process to a single tooth implant. For multiple tooth implants the main difference is that the piece that is attached may a bridge rather than a single crown. If appropriate, crowns will be attached.

What is the dental implant process?

Your oral surgeon will have to remove the parts of the teeth that remain in your mouth. Even if you do not have any tooth above the gum line, you still have the root. All of this needs to come out before the multiple tooth implants can be inserted in your jaw.

Your jaw has to be evaluated. Before the multiple tooth implants process can begin, x-rays will be taken to see if you have enough bone in your jaw to support the implants. When you lose teeth, the bone in your jaw starts to be reabsorbed by your body. If there is not enough bone in your jaw, you can have a bone graft to make it possible for you to have the multiple tooth implants.

Once you have been determined to have the bone needed for the multiple tooth implants, your dental implant doctor will insert the implants into your jaw. This is a surgical procedure that can be done under general or local anesthesia. It is done in your oral surgeon’s office and you will go home afterwards. Healing caps are placed over the implants.

After you have had a chance to heal from the multiple tooth implant surgery, permanent abutments are attached to the implants. You will have either custom made crowns or bridges to attach to the permanent abutments. These will be made to match the rest of your teeth and should be indistinguishable from your other teeth. That is one of the best parts of multiple tooth implants, they look and feel like your natural teeth.

How do I maintain my multiple tooth implants?

Your multiple tooth implants do not need any special care and maintenance other than practicing good oral hygiene. While these do not decay the way that your natural teeth do, it is important to brush and floss daily to prevent bacteria from thriving in your mouth. You should still keep your appointments with your dentist and dental hygienist so that you can keep your entire mouth healthy including your multiple tooth implants.

Many people in the United States are scared of going to the dentist and they do not have their cleanings and check ups as recommended. This is one of the reasons there are so many people walking around missing one or more teeth. If you are afraid of visiting the dentist, you can talk to them about that and they can help you through that. Dentists are aware of the fact that many people fear going for their regular cleanings and have ways to help you deal with that fear. There are pain free dentistry options but also by developing the relationship with a dentist can be one of the best things you can do for your dental health and to get over the fear.

The combination of practicing good oral hygiene including daily brushing and flossing and regular visits to your dentist is the best way to keep your natural teeth and keep your smile healthy and looking great.

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