3 Scientific Facts About Smiles

restorative dentistryGrowing up, a lot of emphasis is placed on smiles. We are constantly told to smile for the camera, for older relatives, in thanks for gifts or services, and simply to be perceived as nice and approachable. Sometimes, it might seem like all this smiling is for naught — but the science is in, and it seems like smiling might actually do some serious good.

Check out these facts on the science of smiling and how it can really impact your life. By the time you’re done, you may even be ready to book an appointment at your local cosmetic dentistry clinic for some restorative dentistry:

A Forced Smile Can Lead to An Actual Good Mood
Believe it or not, but smiling releases endorphins, so if you force yourself to smile for a while, chances are that your bad mood might actually start to lift. And these endorphins catalyze a domino effect of positive results: your immune system gets a boost since your body begins to relax. Those endorphins also act as a stress reliever, leaving you generally more relaxed. Just a few of the “side effects” of smiling.

Smiling Will Get You Promoted
Well, you’ll have to put in some work, too.

That being said, about 74% of adults feel that an unattractive smile could hurt their career success, and they may be right. Smiling frequently makes a person seem more confident, attractive, approachable, and adaptable, so they are simply more likely to stand out in the eyes of management and get assigned special projects.

There are 19 Different Types of Smiles
A UC-San Francisco researcher recently analyzed the science of smiling and broke down our facial expressions into 19 distinct types of smiling. The researcher found that there are two main types of smiles into which the 19 kinds fall: the polite smile, which engages fewer muscles overall, and the sincere smile, which engages the entire face. Basically, there is a language of smiles, and people can read how much you mean it. So, if you need to fake it, use your whole face.

Because human beings are social creatures, our brains and eyes are specifically adapted to recognize and remember body language, especially when it comes to faces. That means nothing stands out quite like a beaming, sincere smile.

Smiling is a lot more than turning up the corners of your mouth. They are socially and emotionally important, and the better you feel about your smile, the better and more confident you will feel about yourself. Luckily, there are many choices available to you to improve your teeth and your smile, from porcelain veneers to restorative dentistry. Explore the options and don’t forget to say cheese!

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