Author: Dentist

Finding the Right Dental Lab Is Important to a Dentist

When you’re considering upgrading your dental practice, you’ll find that embracing digital technology can be a game-changer. With digital impression capabilities, you can enhance precision and efficiency in your dental office lab. You’ll wonder how you ever managed without it.

To make the most of digital impressions, partnering with a dental design lab is key. These experts offer dental design services that can transform your practice. They understand the importance of a well-planned dental lab design to streamline your workflow and improve patient care. You can get the results you are looking for quickly and easily with their help and guidance.

Whether you’re setting up a new dental lab or updating an existing one, a dental design lab can help you create the perfect space tailored to your specific needs. Your dental office lab will be optimized for maximum productivity and comfort, ensuring a seamless experience for both you and your patients.

With modern dental services, you can stay at the forefront of the industry, offering cutting-edge treatments and services. So, if you’re ready to take your dental practice to the next level, consider the advantages of digital impressions and collaborate with a dental design lab to create the ideal dental lab design for your office. Your patients will appreciate the precision and quality you provide, thanks to these advancements in dental technology.

Digital dental impressions

In a time when more and more Americans are concerned about their appearance, it should come as no surprise that cosmetic dental labs are increasingly busy. In fact, in today’s world where so many people are willing to invest in how they look, digital dental labs and other dental lab services are often in competition to offer the widest array of services at the most affordable prices. When all of these services and prices are equal, however, it is important for these labs to align themselves with local dentists. In fact, a dentist office looking for a dental lab to send their patients to often has many choices, but should make sure that they believe in the services and the kind of work that the lab provides.

With some of the newest teeth straightening procedures that are available, the lab work that is completed is especially important. From custom plastic liners that are changed every week to other kinds of treatments that take the place of traditional braces, the dental lab work has to be precise to reach the desired results. For this reason, it is imperative that dentists and orthodontists both trust the labs that they use.
For many people, there are few things as important as a great smile. In addition to giving a great first impression, a healthy smile can also give you the confidence you need at both work and in social settings.

  • Some of the first impressions that you make during an interview or on a new job may actually determine how successful you will be in reaching your goals. A great smile can help you just as much as the clothing that you wear.
  • Making a good first impression is also important in social situations. In a time when more and more people care about how they look, embarrassing teeth may keep you from making the social connections that you want.
  • Instead of hiding your teeth because of how they look, doesn’t it make sense to work with a cosmetic dentistry office and understand the changes they can help you make?
  • Listening to the advice of a two or more cosmetic dentists can often help you make the most informed opinion when it comes to making decisions about braces, crowns, and other procedures.
  • Everyone wants to look great when they are in the process of meeting a new boss or going on a first date. A great smile can help you achieve that.

How you look matters and few things are more important than a great smile!

Four Steps to a Healthy Smile

Chipped tooth

There are some terms worth noting at the start of this article. They are there to give a brief overview on the topics that are being covered. They are chipped tooth, comprehensive exam, dental care, dental crowns, dental implants Charlotte, dental veneers, dentists Charlotte NC, dentures, digital x-ray, emergency dentist Charlotte, fillings, and more.

There are some statistics worth noting as well. They will be provided in the next article.

This article is clearly going to be about dentistry and about the effect of clean, healthy teeth on day to day social interactions or the effect of unhealthy, stained teeth on social interactions. Both are equally important to show the value of having healthy, unstained teeth.

According to that one statistics, 32% of people are concerned about their teeth, and not just about the health. Many are concerned about the appearance of their teeth and some statistics go a step further to show that many believe that an unhealthy smile will hurt them in professional interactions, much less dating.

There are different ways of determining whether teeth are healthy or unhealthy. The first is through look. There is a particular way healthy teeth look: They are white, shining, free of stains, in a correct row and generally looking good. Healthy teeth like vibrant. They are good for social interactions.

Teeth that look unhealthy are yellowing, stained, damaged, uneven or crooked. There are many reasons for this which are important. A person with stained and yellowing teeth gives the impression that they don’t care about the appearance of their teeth or have gotten involved in a bad habit like smoking or coffee drinking.

A person with stained teeth might also appear like they don’t have proper dental practices, including brushing on a regular basis and flossing on a regular basis. Maybe they haven’t put in the effort to get their teeth whitened by approaching a dentist about it or using some kind of whitening fluid.

There are ways, however, that teeth can become whiter, with just a little bit of practice. They are included in the following sections and are the following: whitening toothpaste, whitening mouthwash, whitening strips, and a dentists appointment. They can all help with the whitening of teeth.

Most people use some sort of whitening toothpaste. These are generally generic, as they are commonplace throughout different pharmacies and drug stores. Whitening toothpaste is sold by numerous brands and can have the effect of whitening teeth, while clearing out all the gunk in between teeth and providing a level of protection.

Whitening mouthwash is another avenue for someone who is looking to whiten their teeth. Whitening mouthwash is a type sold in many drug stores and the instructions are generally straightforward: put it in the mouth and swish it around for 30 seconds to a minute and then spit it out. The goal is to not wash out the mouth or eat anything for 15 minutes.

Another way people whiten their teeth is through whitening strips. Whitening strips are a type of strip that is placed around the teeth, around the front and even around the back. The whitening strips are left on there for a number of seconds, before they are taken off, taking part of the plaque and the yellowing on them.

The other option for people who are looking to whiten their teeth is to go to a dentist. A dentist can do a cleaning which takes the major stains off a person’s teeth, while also doing more major cleanings in order to rid the mouth of bacteria, which can accumulate. A dentist can also do a major cosmetic detailing, which makes teeth whiter.

Another treatment that dentists do is called the root canal. The root canal is a procedure that requires anesthetic, as it can be extremely painful. A root canal is generally planned, although it can be done as an emergency. A root canal is important to do in certain situations.

Having a healthy smile is important, as it can affect the way a person is looked at in social interactions. A healthy smile is looked at as a good thing, while an unhealthy smile is looked at as a bad thing. There are ways to keep a smile looking healthy, along with dental treatments such as cosmetic detailing and the root canal.

Why Everyone Should Visit The Dentist

Dentist near me

When you move to a new place, one of your first searches online should be “dentist near me.” Seeing a dentist is an important part of maintaining your health and dental care goes further than brushing twice a day (as recommended by The American Dental Association). When searching for a “dentist near me,” keep in mind what kind of dental care you are looking for. Dentists are among the most trust professionals in the world, but some dentists are better equipped to deal with more severe forms of decay or dental problems. When searching for “dentist near me,” keep in mind whether you will need the services of an orthodontist as well, as some dental offices will partner with a local orthodontist and can work together to provide you the best care possible.

In fact, many adults are turning to Invisalign to help to correct their teeth. Invisalign is so popular because it is virtually invisible and relatively fast working. Invisalign can also be beneficial to teenagers, as almost half of teenagers who used the product noticed and reported a boost in their self esteem, compared to the 22% who wore the more traditional metal brackets. Invisalign can help an adult to maintain a feeling of professionalism while boosting confidence in their smile and fixing long standing problems with their teeth. In fact, most adults could benefit from the treatment course prescribed with Invisalign, as only around 35% of adults have what are considered straight teeth.

A general dentist should also be able to implant dental implants. The amount of people with dental implants is estimated to be around 3 million and that number is expected to keep growing by at least 500,000 every single year. Dental implants are so popular in part because of their success rate of 98% and can provide a long term solution for many dental patients.

General dental care such as getting a cavity filled is also an important reason to search “dentist near me.” It’s estimated that an astounding one in five adults in the United States are living with untreated cavities. Treating is a cavity is a relatively simple procedure that leads to a much higher, pain free, quality of life. And almost half of all adults over the age of thirty have some kind of periodontal disease, something that is also easily treated under the supervision of a dentist.

No matter what your dental problem (or even if you have none at all), regular visits to a family dentist are important to keep your teeth healthy for the rest of your life.

Why You Should See Your General Dentist Regularly

Cosmetic dentistry

Going to the family dentist is something ingrained in most of our childhood memories. We remember the taste of the toothpaste, the whir of the drill when we had a cavity, and how the dentist always let us pick out a toothbrush to take home with us. Going to see a general dentist was an important part of maintaining health in childhood. But going to see a general dentist doesn’t lose its importance once we reach adulthood. The family dentist can treat more than just families, and having a great and confident smile is important in many different facets of your life.

For example, many adults – over 70%, in fact – believe in the importance of a good smile. A poor and unattractive smile, they believe can actually lower their chances of professional success. And nearly 100% of surveyed adults (a whopping 99.7%) believe healthy smiles are important for a healthy social life. Sadly, however, not enough people are satisfied by the condition and appearance of their teeth. Almost half, in fact, believe that the quality of their discolored teeth is one of the major causes of their overall unhappiness.

There are more reasons, of course, to see a general dentist than the appearance of one’s teeth. Aside from cosmetic dentistry, dental services provide maintenance and repair and can treat a variety of gum and teeth diseases. After all, almost half the adult population (47%) suffers from some type and degree of periodontal disease. On top of that, one in five American adults has at least one untreated cavity. And up to 15 million have needed a crown or bridge replacement at some point in their life.

And dental disease and decay starts young. By the time most American children reach kindergarten (only four or five years old), almost half (40%) has had at least one cavity. And just like in adults, not all cavities are diagnosed promptly. Almost 20% of American children from ages five to nineteen have dealt with an untreated cavity. A general dentist can help to educate patients on proper oral hygiene from a young age, with the hopes of instilling positive habits that carry over into adult lives and reduce the amount of oral disease and tooth decay, as well as raise adult confidence in their teeth, social life, and professional appearance.

Is Your Smile Ready for the Holidays?

Pediatric dentistry

This is the season when you want to look your best. From family gatherings to company holiday parties, the months of November and December are a time when you want to feel confident about how you look and how you feel. As long days at the office and busy social schedules fill our calendars at the end of the year, many of us also look toward caffeine to give us the energy to get through these hectic days, weeks, and months. That caffeine, although it gives us energy, can detract from the great smile that we need to help us look our very best. Fortunately, dentists offer tooth whitening services to combat the dental stains that can keep you from looking your best.
From tooth whitening services to porcelain veneers, there are many services that are offered by dentists across the nation. From pain free dentistry to pediatric dentistry, today’s dental professionals also offer services for those who are not yet confident about sitting in a dentist’s office. Consider some of these facts and figures about the dental industry, the services that the offer their patients, and the impact these services have on the nation’s economy:

  • Growing by 500,000 a year, 3 million Americans currently have implants.
  • 75% of people do not replace their toothbrushes as often as they should.
  • 25% of children has never been to the dentist before they start kindergarten. As a result, more than 33% of U.S. schools find it necessary to refer students for treatment of dental problems.
  • 78% of people have had at least one cavity by the age of 17.
  • 18% of people indicate that they typically conceal their teeth in photos.
  • Comprehensive dental exams are not as common as you would think. In fact, the average amount of time people wait between dental appointments is three years.

If you want to make sure that you are looking your best for the upcoming holidays, make sure that you take the time to visit your dentist, not only for a regular cleaning, but also for cosmetic procedures like tooth whitening services. If you want to be able to smile confidently for the upcoming family photos, a visit to the dentist can be a perfect solution.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Dentist

Dentist la verne ca

A healthy and physically attractive smile may be more important than you think. In fact, about 74% of adults think an unattractive smile can hurt them professionally, according to an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry survey. Yet, despite the importance of good dental care to thins like career, social relationships, and self confidence, many people do not regularly visit their local dentist. Many people go multiple years between dental visits and when it comes time for a dental procedure, they do not know where to go. Fortunately, there are many ways to locate a dentist for all of your dental care needs.

Research your local area

The internet is a great place to locate a local dentist. The internet not only informs you of nearby dentists, but you can also pull up information about them. You can view the dental services they offer, as well as the insurance plans that they accept. Some dental offices even allow you to schedule an appointment from their website, making it an extremely convenient process. Additionally, the internet allows you to read reviews from previous dental patients. This gives you a good idea of how informed, friendly, and timely the dentist is.

Work with your dental insurance provider

Dental insurance providers can also provide you with a list of local dentists that accept your insurance. It is important to choose a dentist that is covered by your dentist to avoid paying out of network fees. Dental care can be expensive, especially if you require advanced dental procedures like teeth replacement. Fortunately, scientific literature suggests that dental implants have a success rate of 98%. Dental implants can be a great option for broken or missing teeth, as long as your insurance covers the procedure and the dentist.

Go to your previous dentist

If you have ever received dental care before, you can always go back to your previous dentist. That is unless you were unhappy with their dental care services. However, if you are worried that they will judge you for skipping so many appointments, it is important to remember that many people do this. The dentist will be pleased that you decided to return and will not judge you for the amount of time between dental visits. Sometimes, returning to your previous dentist is easier because they already have your prior records and they can use these for future dental care treatments.

Ask for recommendations from friends

Most people are more than willing to recommend their family dentist if they are satisfied with them. Ask around to your family and friends if anyone has a preferred dentist. You don?t necessarily have to make an appointment with this person, but you can do your research and know that at least one patient would recommend them. It can be helpful to gather a list of everyone?s recommendations, do further research, and then choose based on your specific dental care needs.

Choose based on dental needs

It is also helpful to know that some dentists have specialties. If you are simply looking for a routine checkup and cleaning, general dentistry practices will work. However, if you require more advanced of dental procedures such as wisdom teeth removal or teeth replacement, you might want to see a dental specialist. Finally, there are also cosmetic dentists who focus on braces, Invisalign, and dentures. Make sure you are choosing a dentist that offers your specific dental care needs.

Almost all adults, approximately 99.7% surveyed by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry believe a healthy smile is socially important. When you skip your routine dental checkups and cleanings, you are often left with a smile that you are unhappy with. Even if it has been many years since your last dental visit, it is never too late to go again. Do your research and find a dental provider you are comfortable with and begin your path to good dental care.

Comprehensive Dental Exams for Better Dental Health and a Bright Smile

Dentist in greenwood in

Being healthy is one of the prime requisites of a satisfying, fulfilling life. Most people devote quite a lot of their time and resources to the quest of achieving and retaining good health, and since the human body has so many different parts and systems, it can be easy to get distracted at times, and start to take things for granted. It is probably the teeth that suffer the most due to this tendency. Your teeth are extremely important from both functional and aesthetic standpoints, and taking proper care of your teeth is essential at all times if you want to avoid the prospect of pain and debilitation, and a negative effect on your social impact.

The teeth are important due to many reasons, and the most obvious of them is the functional aspect of things. The teeth help people chew while eating, breaking down food into smaller particles that the stomach finds easier to digest. While this is a very important function, the teeth also provides structural integrity and form to the face, contributes to good looks, and plays the most important part in creating a charming, affable smile – an important asset in social settings and in terms of your career trajectory. For these important reasons, it is crucial that you keep your teeth in great shape always, and the best way to achieve this is to work out the right dental schedule for yourself, which should include the best dental hygiene practices for regular care, and comprehensive dental exams once or twice every year with a reputed dentist in your area.

Taking Care of Your Teeth

The secret to achieving great dental health and being able to show off a healthy smile lies in always being vigilant. Dental problems can be hard to spot on your own when they crop up, and letting them fester can make them more serious, making way for more painful circumstances and significantly increasing your potential cost of treatment. Having excellent oral health can be achieved relatively easily if you remain vigilant, follow the right oral hygiene and health practices, and set up meetings with your dentist every six months or a year. This way, problems can get spotted easily, and can be dealt with promptly.

When you are looking for the right dental clinic, it is always smart to take a look at their websites and see the comprehensive list of dental services provided in each clinic. Ideally, you would want a clinic that offers the full range of dental procedures, like cosmetic treatments, dental implants, and dental replacement options, in addition to regular comprehensive dental exams and consultancy. These clinics are usually home to doctors with a lot of experience, and all your dental health requirements should be adequately fulfilled at one of these clinics. Since you are looking for a place that you intend to visit regularly, it is also important to take the cost element into consideration, and look for a place that has loyalty plans in place for frequent visitors.

Having Comprehensive Dental Exams Regularly

While your doctor might be able to tell you in detail about the best practices of dental hygiene during your very first visit, and you might be able to follow these practices accurately on a daily basis, it is still important to visit your dentist every once in a while for comprehensive dental exams. These exams allow your dentist to check your teeth thoroughly for common dental problems, assess their condition and their look, and diagnose small, seemingly inconsequential issues that can later snowball into larger, and more painful, problems. These tests need to be administered on a regular basis if you want the best of dental health at all times, and can put you in a position to have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your teeth are in good shape.

Doing this diligently can do a world of good for your dental health, help you restore your smile, and give you the confidence you need to showcase your smile in social or corporate settings. It can also save you from a lot of pain and expenses down the line.

Solve Structural Problems with Your Teeth by Visiting the Right Orthodontist for Adults

dental braces supplies

Teeth need help sometimes. Orthodontics is concerned with correcting irregularities in the alignment of teeth. An orthodontist has two options for correcting these irregularities: braces and headgear. Are braces orthodontics? Braces are often used to correct malocclusions of the teeth. Still, orthodontics can also be used to treat issues with jaw alignment, tongue protrusion, or speech problems. Orthodontia is considered a cosmetic procedure by many people because it focuses on aesthetics rather than health. However, many people don’t realize that there are many health benefits to good oral hygiene.

Any licensed dentist with appropriate post-graduate training can perform some aspects of orthographic surgery. Or be involved in diagnostic work that may diagnose conditions requiring a specialist opinion if it is felt they have insufficient knowledge or expertise.

Braces are a common choice, as they can be easily removed if people want to eat or drink. There are different braces available to suit requirements, including traditional metal bands that attach to the front of the teeth, clear plastic aligners worn at night or during special occasions, or wire-framed appliances that are bonded to the front surfaces of the teeth.

Full orthodontic treatment is essentially a series of different procedures that may include regular adjustments by an orthodontist, regular use of dental prosthetics such as braces or headgear, and interventions by an oral surgeon in a dental clinic for braces near me when necessary.

Throughout your life, you are likely to come into contact with a large number of people, whether it is in a social context or as a part of your career. The impression that you make on these people depends on a number of things. A large part of the impression comes from your physical appearance and the way you carry yourself, and an integral part of that is your face. The face is considered to be a mark of identity, and aesthetic beauty when it comes to the face is considered by most to be one of the greatest assets that anyone can have.

One of the most important components of facial beauty is a pleasant and charming smile. Quite a lot of people believe that not having a charming smile diminishes their social appeal, and can also significantly affect their careers. This only demonstrates how important it is to have a charming smile. A happy and glowing smile automatically puts anyone you meet at ease, promotes healthy conversation and genial behavior, and endears you to people instantly. Unfortunately, there are a number of problems that prevent people from enjoying this incredible social asset. The list is topped by dental problems, as it is the teeth that make the smile.

The Importance of Great Teeth

When it comes to having a smile that makes an immediate impact, it all comes down to the teeth. Healthy teeth are usually pearly white with no discoloration or staining, and having the right structure and formation is also extremely important. While poor dental hygiene can cause the formation of plaque, discoloration, and staining, problems with structure can be present from the very beginning. These are the problems that are relatively more difficult to resolve, whether it is a matter of adults or children thankfully, solutions exist that can be employed to correct these defects. Doctors specializing in orthodontics for children and teens can help sort these problems out at a relatively young age, while the more complicated dental procedures involved in orthodontics for adults can also be accomplished by reputed and experienced specialists.

When it comes to these procedures, the focus is always on the restoration of what is considered natural or normal structure and definition. This is the basis of a compelling smile, and for this reason, a number of procedures exist which can be employed to sort out structural problems of the teeth. While you might go to a dentist for your regular dental checkups and for more intensive treatment options having to do with your teeth, solving structural problems of your teeth require the services of a different kind of professional Doctor. These doctors are called orthodontists, and if you have a structural problem with your teeth that needs immediate resolution, visiting an orthodontist for adults immediately can be your best option.

Choosing the Right Orthodontist

While most structural problems are much easier to solve at a younger age with the application of braces or other simple techniques, for adults, solving structural problems of the teeth very frequently require surgical procedures. These procedures needs to be carried out by a licensed and experienced orthodontist, proficient in restoring proper order, structure and definition to the teeth of adults. The procedures required can be selected with care by the orthodontist of your choice according to the defects that you find yourself suffering from. With the advent of better medical technologies, the surgical procedures involved in orthodontics have also become a lot easier over the ages, and now involve substantially less pain and recovery times compared with before.

With the help of the right orthodontist and the right surgical procedures, a lot can be achieved when it comes to restoring that perfect structure and definition of your teeth. You can get back a stunning smile which can immediately put people at ease, and increase your standing at social and corporate encounters. If you have found yourself being plagued by an imperfect smile due to imperfect teeth, this is absolutely one of the best courses of action that you can employ to restore your teeth to their full glory.

Why Having Wisdom Teeth Removed Is Important for All Adults

Tooth implant

Anyone who suffers from chronic headaches, and still has their wisdom teeth, should consider the benefits of having these teeth removed. Although the cause of the headaches might not always be apparent, a dentist can exam an individual?s mouth, and confirm what the cause is. Many people are not away, but the teeth and the sinuses are closely linked to one another. Having wisdom teeth removed is a common procedure that almost every adult needs to have; these teeth generally do not serve a purpose, and having them can often cause more harm than benefits. Here are a few reasons why dentists advise for the removal of the teeth, and why everyone should consider having them taken out.

Wisdom Teeth Can Cause a Mouth to Have Crowding
Over 30% of adults say that they are worried about the way their mouth is perceived, and it has to do with their teeth. Over 27% say they do not want to smile, because they are missing teeth, or have insecurities with how the teeth look to others. Wisdom tooth removal can cause crowding, which may make the teeth appear jagged, uneven, or just give an otherwise crooked appearance. This can prevent people from wanting to smile, and make them feel insecure about the way they look. This can have negative effects that carry over into personal relationships and work, making it harder for the individual to give the appearance of confidence in certain situations. By getting rid of the crowding in one?s mouth, they will feel and look better, and have more space in their mouth for other teeth.

Removing Wisdom Teeth Can End Chronic Headaches

Chronic headaches can occur when impacted wisdom teeth are affecting an individual. Sometimes individuals may not even know there is a problem with their teeth, or that they are even impacted. In fact, even the chronic headaches may not be a dead giveaway, and they might assume it is something else entirely, such as allergies. It is important to note that the sinuses can be affected by the teeth, and vice-versa. Individuals who are having chronic headaches should seek dental care, to ensure that the problem is not the result of impacted wisdom teeth, or something else related to mouth care. 10 million wisdom teeth are removed every year, so getting rid of a tooth with a problem is a common occurrence, and not something individuals should be ashamed of, if they need the help in feeling better and ending their dental issues.

Removing Wisdom Teeth Prevents Future Problems

Wisdom teeth can bring along a host of other problems that can occur, such as food getting caught in them that causes cavities. The cavities may be harder to prevent and treat, because they are so far back in the mouth. Rather than having to deal with excessive brushing, flossing, and using other methods to ensure these back teeth are clean, having them removed can prevent more problems. Since the teeth are not used very much, there is no reason to keep them in the mouth. Because problems with wisdom teeth are linked to other serious issues, having them removed is usually the best course of action.

There are many reasons to consider wisdom tooth removal. Doing so can eliminate the need to worry about keeping the teeth clean, since they are so far in the back. They can give individuals more confidence with their smile, since having them removed will give other teeth in the mouth more room and no overcrowding. Finally, they can put an end to chronic headaches that an individual might be having, since this is usually the sign of impacted wisdom teeth. Anyone who is having issues and pain related to the teeth in the back of their mouth should seek advice from their dentist about wisdom tooth removal.

Adjusting to Your New Dental Implants? Avoid These Harmful Mistakes

No Comments Dental Implants

dental implantsMore than 500,000 new people receive dental implants each year in the United States. If you are currently in the process of adjusting to your new implants, it’s important that you take great care of yourself and your mouth. Here are some dangerous mistakes that people often make after receiving dental implants.

Brushing and flossing right away

If you get home right after any major dental procedure and start brushing and flossing your teeth, you could end up seriously damaging your teeth or implants and the surrounding areas inside your mouth. It’s important that you get back to brushing and flossing regularly a few days after, however, but be very careful the first day or two.

Trying to eat non-liquid foods

For at least two or three days, make sure you’re eating only soft solids or liquid foods. The worst mistake you can make following a dental procedure is biting into something crunchy, hard, or chewy. So be careful and only eat soft foods like oatmeal and yogurt for a few days until your mouth heals.

Vigorously rinsing

Like brushing, if you go right into rinsing your mouth out after a dental procedure, you will cause serious harm to your mouth. Though it might be recommended to lightly rinse with salt water in the moments following a dental procedure, you have to be very careful not to rinse too aggressively.

Not checking in with your dentist

The average time people wait between dentist appointments is about three years. If you wait too long once again to get your teeth looked at, you’re going to risk further damaging your teeth and gums. Make sure that you are staying in contact with your dentist and letting them know how your jaw is handling the new implants.

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