The critical role played by dentists cannot be emphasized enough. Dental problems manifest in different forms; according to specialists in this field, it is always safe to seek help from a dentist when you experience the slightest sign of a dental problem. It is important to note that not all dental problems are preceded by a painful feeling. Some might interfere with your dental well-being without necessarily causing you to feel even the slightest streak of pain. Keep in mind that failure to swiftly act on your dental problem can become the reason for serious complications in the future. The best way to protect your teeth from dental issues is to go for regular dental checkups. Even though such checkups cost a substantial amount of money, the level of professional dental service that you are bound to receive will ensure that you receive value for your money. Therefore, it is critical to leave nothing to chance when it comes to giving your teeth the best form of care and treatment.
Common Types of Dentists
Before proceeding to the services offered by all types of dentists, it is crucial to understand the different types of dentists that do exist. Most people fail to recognize that dentists come in different shapes and forms; the nature of your dental problem should determine your choice of a dentist. In most cases, if you present yourself to a dentist who is not conversant with your dental problem, they will refer you to a concerned one to handle your problem professionally. Therefore, it is important to determine the nature of your dental complication before setting out to visit a dentist. Through regular dental checkups, you will be informed of any dental problem, if there is any, and advised accordingly on the type of dentist that you should visit. Here are some of the common types of dental specialists that exist:
· Periodontists
· Prosthodontists
· Oral and maxillofacial surgeons
· Endodontists
· Orthodontics
· Pediatric dentists
What Are Some of the Important Services Offered by All Types of Dentists?
Having looked at some of the most common types of dental specialists that exist, it would help if the focus is shifted to their services to patients with dental problems. Such knowledge will be helpful to anyone seeking the services of a professional dentist to deal with their dental problem. Most people have lost substantial amounts of money trying to receive treatment from dentists who are not conversant with their predicament. Here are important services offered by all types of dental specialists:
· Cosmetic dentistry services-The number of people seeking cosmetic dentistry service has dramatically risen over the years. The main objective of cosmetic dentistry is to improve the appearance of the teeth from their current state. Various cosmetic dentistry procedures are designed to spruce up the general appearance of your teeth. Examples of such procedures include tooth whitening, tooth bonding, dental crowns, dental implant procedures, and tooth shaping. Remember that the success of any of the mentioned procedures will largely be determined by the expertise and experience of the cosmetic dentist that you contract to give your teeth a new look. For instance, rogue implant dentists will compromise the quality of a dental implant procedure. To ensure that you are working with the right cosmetic dentist, you need to take the time to dig into their past and get to know what clients are saying about them. Online reviews can be useful in gathering information about a cosmetic dentist. When different clients complain about the services offered by a cosmetic dentist, you should use that as a red flag not to engage them.
· Endodontic procedures-For painless root canal treatments, you need to go for endodontic procedures. These procedures are coupled with pain management services designed to ensure that a patient does not experience pain while undergoing root canal therapy. Typically, the most common scenario that would prompt a practitioner in general dentistry practice to refer their patient to an endodontist is when the interior part of a patient’s tooth is diseased, damaged, or infected.
· Orthodontic services-Orthodontic services are designed to help with the alignment of the teeth and jaw. Remember that a set of teeth that is poorly aligned might not execute their intended purpose properly. The same is true with a misaligned jaw; it might be difficult for a person suffering from a misaligned jaw to bite or even chew adequately. If you have an underbite, overbite, or crossbite, it would be helpful to visit an orthodontic specialist to help correct your problem. The most common orthodontic services that are done on the teeth or jaw include braces, palate expanders, retainers, headgear, fixed space maintainers, and other treatment options that are helpful in better aligning the teeth and the jaw.
· Geriatric dentistry-Just like the name suggests, geriatric dentistry is meant to offer oral care to the elderly. The elderly are more prone to have dental problems as compared to younger people. They require regular geriatric care management to overcome the multiple dental problems that come with old age. Geriatric dental care entails diagnosis, prevention, management, and treatment of some of the dental problems that come with old age. Some of the most common dental problems experienced by the elderly include; tooth loss, gum disease, bad breath, dry mouth, and tooth decay. Among the dental problems mentioned, tooth loss happens to be the most common challenge faced by the elderly. Remember that an elderly person with missing teeth is not in a position to enjoy their favorite meal. Therefore, it is critical to ensure an effort is made to replace the missing tooth or teeth. Bridges, dentures, and emergency dental services remain the best option for replacing missing teeth. A geriatric dentist will either use bridges or dentures on an elderly person, depending on the number of teeth missing. Dentures are used in cases where several teeth are missing, while bridges cover small gaps.
What Are the Main Causes of Dental Problems?
No one wishes for a case where they have to deal with a dental problem in their life. Anyone who has endured the pain of an aching tooth, or faced the embarrassment that comes with missing a tooth at a strategic position of your mouth, will tell you that nothing is more demoralizing than such scenarios. Therefore, it is important to consider some of the main causes of dental problems that most people suffer from. This is critical in helping people to stay away from things that might interfere with their dental well-being. Keep in mind that most dental problems manifest in the form of tooth decay or gum disease. It is from these conditions that more complicated scenarios like gingivitis and cavities arise. Here are some of the most common causes of tooth decay and gum disease:
· Poor oral hygiene: The failure to brush your teeth regularly gives way to the formation of a sticky film of bacteria commonly referred to as plaque. With the presence of plaque on your teeth, the enamel will gradually deteriorate, ultimately leading to the permanent loss of gum tissue, teeth, and bone. For this reason, everyone should take the issue of brushing their teeth seriously. Dental experts advise that you should make it a habit to brush your teeth every meal. Remember that however flexible your toothbrush is, it might not be able to do away with every food particle that is trapped between your teeth. To ensure that you remove every food particle hidden between your teeth, it is advisable to floss at least once a day.
· Smoking and tobacco use-Smoking tobacco in any of its forms poses a significant threat to your teeth and gums. Research findings indicate that smokers are more prone to contract gum diseases as compared to non-smokers. Smoking weakens your body’s immune system, thus making it less effective when it comes to fighting infections. Smoking is therefore considered one of the most dangerous habits that can negatively affect your dental well-being. For anyone willing to have a healthy set of teeth, it is advisable to stay away from any form of smoking.
· Poor diet: The rate at which people are snacking is quite high today; there is no doubt that most snacks contain a lot of sugar, exposing the teeth to the dissolving effects of various acids. This makes the teeth more susceptible to gum disease and tooth decay. If you must snack, then it is advisable to feed on healthy snacks like fresh fruits and vegetables as well as foods rich in calcium. This will allow for the promotion of strong teeth and bones. Crunchy vegetables like celery and carrots increase the rate of saliva flow, which helps wash away food particles and plaque-causing bacteria.
Early Signs of Dental Trouble
Before a dental problem becomes serious, there are normal warning signs that indicate a possible dental problem. Most people end up sustaining serious dental problems simply because they were not able to detect the problem at the initial stages. It is important to note that detecting a dental problem is not enough to contain it. Once you have been made aware of the signs that point to a possible dental problem, it is critical to visit a dentist for a checkup and swift prevention. Here are common early signs that you might be having a dental problem:
· Bad breath: No one should take bad breath for granted, especially when this condition extends for an extended period. If you have been experiencing bad breath even after brushing your teeth or flossing, maybe it is time you visited a dentist to run tests and determine the dental problem that might be at its initial stages. In most cases, bad breath is an indication that a person is suffering from cavities, oral cancer, or gum disease. Remember that most of these conditions can successfully be treated if they are reported early enough.
· Mouth sores-Mouth sores that persist for more than two weeks indicate that you are having a dental problem. Mouth sores attack any of the mouth’s soft tissues and can be extremely painful when they have matured. The most common places that you expect to find mouth sores are on the cheeks, lips, gums, tongue, and the roof and floor of the mouth. If you happen to experience mouth sores in any of the mentioned areas, it will help if you visit a dentist early in advance.
· Tooth aches-It is easy to assume that a toothache is nothing to worry about. In reality, a persistent toothache is something that should be treated with a lot of seriousness. If you experience painful streaks of pain in your teeth, you may have a cracked or abscessed tooth. It would be best if you prioritized visiting a dental specialist for corrective measures.
· Teeth sensitivity-Teeth sensitivity is probably one of the most common signs of having a dental problem. This problem is usually experienced when someone is taking a cold or hot drink. When a hot or cold drink comes into contact with your teeth, you immediately start to feel uncomfortable due to pain and irritation. This could be a sign of a weak enamel or a cracked tooth. Visiting a dentist to sort out this problem is therefore critical for continued health with teeth and gums. Remember that taking the sensitivity of your teeth for granted can easily give way to more complicated dental problems that cost a lot of money to treat.
Nothing is more important than a healthy set of teeth. It is therefore important to observe preventive measures as a way of maintaining a healthy set of teeth. The slightest sign of dental distress should be treated with the utmost seriousness. Visit a dentist whenever you feel something unusual with your teeth. It is up to every individual to ensure that they are not exposing their teeth to harmful substances and foods. Remember that everyone is susceptible to dental problems, especially when proper oral hygiene is not maintained. The good news is that you can have healthy teeth for an extended period by adhering to existing dental health guidelines.