Do you know what helps your local dentist office to run so smoothly? Never thought about it, right? It is not just a naturally occurring well-oiled machine. A lot of hard work and determination goes into making that office run at its utmost efficiency. Instead of just random people coming and going, patients calling all day, appointments being misbooked and overbooked, there is a definitive level of organization and structure that only the best can enforce.
Aside from all of the fancy dental equipment, there are two other aspects of the dental office that keep everything on track, everyone on time, and make sure that everything happens as it should. Read below for those two, and the next time you are in for your cleaning, take a look around. Maybe you will recognize them and see just how hard they are working.
- Dental Office Websites
- Dental Office Manager
Dental office websites have made the lives of both doctors and patients much easier. You may take them for granted, but they hold valuable information and services that streamline the whole dental process. Something as simple as contact information, address, and hours can be found on the site. But were it not for that information being clearly posted, the office would be getting calls all the time asking for directions or hours.
Dental office websites also have lists of common procedures offered at that location, they have biographies of the dentists in residence, and they even have reviews of the dental offices. If you are new to an area and looking for a dentist, then it is worthwhile to look at what others think about the dentist.
This person is the lynch-pin of the whole office. Although when you go, you may see her answering phones and working the front desk, she is far more than just a receptionist. She often opens and closes the office, reorders supplies, schedules appointments, maintains the website, and even calls in the maintenance men to ensure that all of the expensive dental equipment is in proper, working order.
A lot of people do not even realize that this position exists. They think that there is a receptionist, and then the dentist runs the rest of the details. That is not the case for two reasons. If the dentist is lucky, he is far too busy to be worrying about much more than patients. On top of that, the brain of a dentist is more concerned with those patients and making sure that everyone gets the best treatment possible. She may be the best dentist in the world, but outside of the exam room, she may be forgetful and clumsy and absentminded. We have all met those people.
Take a look around the next time you go to the dentist. Try to get a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes and see how it runs. You may be surprised to see just how much work they are doing there, and learn to appreciate the services that they have to offer just a little bit more in the process.